Department of Education


Department of Education

The Department of Education in Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs has been contributing to the balanced educational development and progress of the country for years. Khushal Khan High School, Rahman Baba High School, Pir Mohammad Kakar High School and Bayazid Roshan Institute and Pashtunistan High School at Nangarhar, Ghazi Abdullah Khan Achakzai High School in Kandahar, Mohamad jan khan Kochi High School in Ghazni and Tribal High School in Khost for the students of the tribal, border and education-deprived areas of the country. Mohamad jan khan Kochi High School and Khost Tribal High School have provided educational facilities in the form of dormitories. These students have been provided with all the facilities of the dormitory, a good teaching and administrative environment for the students, and computer labs have been built to familiarize them with new and modern technology, which has been done so far in very few places in the country. It is seen in schools.

With the efforts of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs, these educational institutions have trained such cadres at the country level, who have provided exemplary services in the history of the country. Also, according to the agreement with the Ministry of Higher Education, 104 students from tribal and border areas are provided with higher education in the country.

In the past few years, as a result of the continuous and professional efforts of the Department of Education, the Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs, many students of these schools have found a way to higher education, most of them in medical and engineering faculties have succeeded. In honor of these successes, the employees of the Department of Education have been honored with numerous awards by the officials of all times.

Educational institutions related to the Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs:

In Kabul:

• Khushal Khan High School

• Rahman Baba High School

• Pir Muhammad Kakar High School

• Bayezid Roshan Institute

• Pashtunistan High School In Nangarhar procince

In Kandahar:

• Ghazi Abdullah Khan Achakzai High School

In Khost:

• Tribal High School

In Ghazni:

• Muhammad Jan Khan Kochi High School

The Department of Education of the Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs wants to expand its services and provide education to the youth who are deprived of education in the deprived and border areas for the purpose of balanced scientific development and development. do The Department of Education and Training of the Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs is improving its educational institutions in terms of quantity and quality in the coming years and plans to equip more and more border high schools with new and modern technologies. The effort of the Department of Education will be that in the coming years, one of the related schools will teach in English, and they want to have a Pamiri school in Badakhshan, a school in Paktika and they aims to build other schools for nomads and tribes.


Due to the illiterateness in the country, along with other problems, the education process has also suffered a lot. Even now, thousands of young people are deprived of the blessing of education and training, this level is more among the youth of tribal, border and deprived areas than others. Those who are living in far away or border areas live a life full of problems and the consequences are not only harmful to their individual lives but also to the society and the country as a whole. For the purpose of balanced educational development and development of the country, it is necessary to provide education to the students of the tribal, border and deprived areas of the country. These areas have strengthened the education and training process for the youth. On this day, based on the five-year strategic plan of education, efforts will be made to provide more opportunities for balanced educational development to the youth of those areas. In addition, the youth of the tribal and border regions will have a positive impact on their individual and social life, as well as the education and training of the youth of the mentioned regions will strengthen peace and security, national unity, commitment to the country, tolerance, economic and cultural growth and overall  they will help Afghanistan in all-round development and prosperity.