Directorate of Research and Studies

The need for the existence of the Directorate of Research and Studies

This department has the following structures:

Board of Surveyors, Chief Topography Management, Executive Management, Library Management, Topography Manager, Seven Officers, Eight Tribal Investigators, Seven Border Investigators, Library manger.


Definition and meaning

In the contemporary historical process an urgent and serious problem of Afghanistan which has been brought up to now and the previous governments have not been able to create a suitable solution for it; Borders, tribes, Durand's hypothetical line and maintaining the necessary working relations with the separated people, in which the previous and current government officials of Afghanistan have tried to solve these problems with a number of government and With the establishment of the sectoral institutions, a number of specialized and professional research and study institutions, centers and institutions have also been established in order to collect information about the mentioned topics and bring the country to its great heights.

Within the framework of the Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs of Afghanistan, the direcorate of Research and Studies has been created to implement this goal and the logic and existential definition of the work cannot be explained better than being able to The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has presented important documents to the leadership through the implementation of its policies and development strategies, so that development plans can be designed and implemented based on them.

The vision of the Department of Research and Studies is to uncover the true historical, cultural, political, economic and scientific aspects of the country's borders, Durand's hypothetical line or tribes and to provide the basis for extensive research and studies in this regard.

Mission: Researching historical documents about the peoples of Afghanistan's, tribes, borders and border areas, using all the legal methods of research and study, which can be effective in carrying out this mission.



1. Comprehensive research and study of Durand's hypothetical lines and tribes.

2. Conduct extensive field investigations on Durand Line and the tribes living on both sides of it.

3. Investigate the current and past status of Afghanistan's official borders and Durand's hypothetical line according to accurate documents.

4. Encouragement and support of writers on both sides of Durand's hypothetical line for the development of national thought.

5. Diagnosing, investigating and providing solutions to the basic problems of the tribes.

Duties and Responsibilities:

• Organize and conduct research projects related to tribes, frontiers, and the Durand hypothesis.

• A comprehensive study of the lives of the people living in the tribes.

• Studying and researching the educational, health, cultural and other areas and conditions of the people in the areas near the tribal and Durand line.

• Studies on conflict and violence in areas near the tribal and Durand Hypothetical Lines.

• Studies on Durand's Hypothetical Line and the Legal and Juridical Divisions of Tribal Areas.

• Research and study about the historical position of Durand's hypothetical line and the current political situation.

• Studies and research on the promotion of the national idea of ​​Afghanism in the tribes.

• Creating research workshops and scientific seminars on the national, political and cultural topics of the great and historical Afghanistan.

 Conducting research and political studies on regional political and ethnic issues.