Deputy of Financial and Administrative of Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs introduced to ministry staff

پنجشنبه ۱۳۹۸/۱/۲۲ - ۱۱:۱۳

Through a decree from president of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and with the request of Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs, Al Hajj Mohammad Ehsan “Ehsan” was appointed as Deputy of Financial and Administrative for Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs, in a session on Tuesday 1396, the new deputy was introduced to the employee of the ministry.

In this session, the tribal conformity Deputy Minister Mr. Mohammad Yaqob Ahmadzai, the chief of Administrative Affair Mr. Ahmad Dawood “Noorzai”, the martial deputy of ministry Mr. Ningialy “Qalatwal”, Advisors, tribal elders and youths have participated. The session was started with the Quran verses recitation. Later on the president’s decree was orated by the head of Human Resources Department, Mohammad Noor “Qatawazai”. Besides, the tribal conformity Deputy Mr. Mohammad Yaqob “Ahamdzai” in his speech has congratulated and wish him more success in the new work. He added, that the Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs is a key and folks ministry and needs such kinds of impressive character. In addition, we have conformism among each other hence, the conformity cause to bring peace and solidarity, so that we could serve our people.

The Deputy of Financial and Administrative Mohammad Ehsan “Ehsan” said that he had thanked the president Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and the ministry’s officials beside, he had pledged that he would be honest in his task and implementing the policy of the ministry alongside, he had condemned the attack on Shamshad TV. Afterwards Mr. Ghamsharik, Ministry’s Culture Advisor, said in his statement: we must work for development of the ministry with new thought and spirit and we will have positive change in the affairs. The meeting came to an end in the lasting peace of the country.

تازه ترین اخبار

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۱ - ۱۰:۴۶
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مشاور جدید حل منازعات معرفی گردید

یکشنبه ۱۵ محرم الحرام ۱۴۴۶

این محفل با تلاوت چند آیات از کلام الله مجید آغاز شده  و در نخست  محترم کریم شاه تیلوی رئیس منابع بشری وزارت حکم ریاست الوزراء در مورد تقرری محترم مولوی محمد. . .

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۲۷ - ۱۶:۱۷
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برگزاری نشست بزرگ ثبات نظام اسلامی ، وحدت و انسجام مردم در ولایت پنجشیر

چهارشنبه ـ ۱۱/۱/۱۴۴۶

وزارت امور سرحدات، اقوام و قبایل نشست بزرگ مردمی را تحت عنوان ثبات نظام اسلامی، وحدت و انسجام میان مردم را با اشتراک الحاج مولوی محمد علی جان احمد معین جرگه ها و. . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۲۶ - ۱۹:۳۲
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دو منازعه جداگانه که در ولایت سمنگان میان مردم مشکلات را به وجود آورده بود حل و فصل گردید

دو منازعه در ولایت سمنگان یکی آن در نتیجه حادثه ترافیکی در اثر آن یک تن کشته شده بود و دیگر آن میان دو شخص در اثر برخورد فزیکی به میان امده بود، ازسوی آمریت امور سرحدات، اقوام و قبایل. . .