Borders & Durand Line

Joint Border of Afghanistan and Iran:

  1. Makmahan Line: It starts from MalakSya Mountains and lays up to Tor Ghar Mountain, which’s length is around 475 km.
  2. Fakhri Line: it starts from Tor Ghar Mountain and lays up to Zolfeqar valley, which is length is about 450 km.


The length of border between Afghanistan and Iran is 925km that starts from Malak Sya Mountain and ends at Zolfeqar valley.

2 - Border between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan: 

Afghanistan has 874km border with Turkmenistan that starts from Zulfeqar valley of Gulran district of Herat Province and Ends at Shurtepa district of Balkh province.

3 – Border between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan:

The length of border between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan is around 145 km that starts from Shortepa District and ends at Kaldar district of Balkh province.

4 – Border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan:

The length of border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan is about 1360.7 km that starts from Kaldar district of Balkh province and ends at Yulli Valley of Wakhan district of Badakhshan province.

5 – Joint Border between Afghanistan and China:

Afghanistan shares 96 km of its border with the people’s republic of China, which starts from Yulli Valley and ends at Wakhjir or Click edge of Wakhan district of Badakhshan province.

6 – Border with Jemo and Kashmir:

Afghanistan shares its 102 km joint border with Jemo and Kashmir that starts from Wakhjir edge and ends at Nawshakh of Wakhan district.

7 – Durand Imaginary Line:

Durand line has been imposed on Afghan Nation, and is the line that has never been accepted by Afghan government and its Nation. The mentioned line lies down from Nawshakh area of Wakhan district of Badakhshan province up to Malik SyaMountain of ChaharBurjak district of Nimroz province.